Thursday, October 21, 2010

Enriching Technology Post!

I have always taken courses throughout my high school year in which I was required to perform a task on pencil and paper. Having terrible handwriting and no artistic abilities at all, I hoped that one day, everything would done using computer technology. However, I personally wasn't aware of the vast internet and technological tools we have present in our society and thus always ended up doing my work on paper. I believe that if students start using the technology available to them efficiently, not only would it benefit their education, but also the society as a whole.

Idea:  Get the netbooks in each class with the proper software installed (Showing how to do a project that was done without technology, with technology).
Subject Area: Mainly social sciences and technology classes.
Details:  Each class would be allowed to share/use net books in order for them to finish their task efficiently.

Let's take for an example, a Geography project that I had to do :
1)Research a structure (i.e. the CN Tower)
2)Build a model of the structure 
3)Write a written report on the specifications of the structure.
4) Make a short presentation of the structure.

Technology needed: Netbooks, right following software installed.

These are the possible software that could be used to finish off the given task: 

For part 1) Research a structure:

Learn 360:  This web-tool would be perfect for the research part of this assignment. Learn 360 offers various legitimate sources that could be used to find about the specifications of different structures.In this case, the student would just search "CN Tower" in the search bar of Learn 360 and get all verified information.

Google Earth: Google Earth can also be a great software for the preliminary research for this project. The students could maneuver to the structure, observe its physical attributes and get some general information conveniently, by just using a netbook. In this case, the student would be able to grab all the information for the CN Tower and know how it looks like without physically going to CN Tower itself.

Diigo: Diigo will allow students to highlight and bookmark pages they think are appropriate for their written report. This way, the students would not forget what information they thought was useful, and prepare a very good paper. In this case, the students could research the web about the CN Tower, and bookmark as well as highlight information they think is relevant.

For part 2) Build a model of the structure:

Google Sketchup: The Sketchup program is great for creating and visualizing 3D objects. With the help of this software, students like me, who are not very good with paper & pencil, as well as visualizing, will benefit. They would be able to create the 3D structure of the CN Tower in this case, and then further create what they planned with ease.

For part 3) Write a written report on the specifications of the structure:

Google Docs: Google Docs is a great program for a group of students to work on a report simultaneously. To write the report and save all that time sending each other their parts to edit, they can use this software. This will allow them all to work on the same report online, which has each version of the file automatically saved. In this case, each group member would log on to the Google Docs sessions and work together to write the report on the CN Tower.

xTimeline: Timeline is a great tool that helps organize the important events of a historical or general thing. In this case, timeline could be used to portray the steps to creation of the CN Tower.

For part 4) Presentation:

Prezi: Prezi is a great presentation tool that captures the audience's interest. It is a very easy tool to use and would create a presentation for the student(s) , others would enjoy. In this case, the students would put all their research information about the CN Tower on their Prezi and would impress both their fellow classmates, as well as their teachers.

Voice Thread: Voice Thread would be very helpful for some students who would like more practice to present to the class. The web-tool basically creates a group conversation around a document/video. This would allow students to be well prepared for the presentation, as they would know the order of things, and would have practice online using the Voice Thread tool.

Jing: Jing is a software used to capture on video, what one is doing on the computer. Students could use this tool to present more complex examples that they might not be comfortable with presenting in person, and/or show a demonstration. In this case, students could use Jing to capture the technical specifications of the CN Tower, and wouldn't have to memorize them.

Out of all the possible software, the recommended ones would be:
Learn 360, Sketchup and Prezi. Learn 360 could be used to research and find all the information about the structure. Sketchup would be able to design and visualize the 3D structure, and Prezi would be able to attract the audience during the presentation. At the end, the student could hand in the report using dropbox.

-Allows for in depth research.
-Better for students who are not good with pencil and paper.
-Presentations would be much more interesting and everyone would pay attention.
-Convenient/ Efficient.
-Proper sources would be used.
-Allows students to access materials outside of class.
-Students can all perform their task at once.

-Students would be distracted and would go off task.
-Will not help students reach their potential creativity.
-Some students might pull "pranks" on google docs.
-Manging netbooks would require effort and money.

What Needs to Happen to Make the Idea Work – Who is Responsible
  1. Get netbooks to the class with the right software installed. (Students themselves can download and install the right software. The teacher would be able to hand them out).
  2. Net Support must be installed so that students would not slack off. (Teacher or a volunteer can install the software on the netbooks)
  3. Teachers must have a dropbox account to collect the assignments.
  4. Have enough netbooks!


In conclusion, if I were to do my Geography project using technology, I would have finish efficiently and with a better mark. This is an example of how a project that was done using minimal technology, can be done using ONLY technology and produce better results. I hope that our school can actually get the netbooks out to different classes in order for them to incorporate them with the curriculum.


    1. Students and teachers already have access to this technology, because the netbooks and software used in this idea are already present in the school. We would just need more netbooks to make this idea work. The students would have to be taught how to use these programs, and the teachers would have to be taught to teach the students!!! (whew) This plan would take as long as aquiring new netbooks and teaching the students and teachers about the software takes.

    2. Your idea good. This can be incorporated in class, we just need to teach the teachers and students how to use the netbooks and the web tools that they will be using. Sketchup may take some time to teach and learn for the students and teachers. People like me, who aren't good with technology take awhile to figure stuff out and getting used to it. But it's beneficial to others who are more comfortable with technology than drawing with pencils. I think your idea is great about making structures on sketchup rather than making it physically. Students can learn new skills with sketchup or build skills with it. Your post is awesome : ) you had all different kinds of web tools that we can use and then you picked out specific ones that we can actually incorporate it in class.

    3. Adding on, I think that this idea would definetely be possible. As long as the teachers and the IDC students work together, then this can be very successful. Nice idea.
