Monday, November 1, 2010

Placement Update

1) What did you accomplish last week in your placements?

Last week, our whole geography group met with Mr. Carpenter to find out what we had to do. After learning that we were remapping the Gr9 ISP regarding the "Push and pull factors of emmigration", we divided the whole group into smaller groups. Abdul and I chose to find out who Wolfram Alpha would be helpful with this assignment.

2) What do you need to do this week?

This week, Abdul and I need to find more things that Grade 9 Geography students would be able to extract from the Wolfram Alpha website. Currently, we have: Population density, GDP and unemployment rate. After we have researched enough information that they could find on the website, we will join our parts with other groups who are researching Gapmind and Google Earth. I hope Mr. Carpenter will like our remapped version of the Geography ISP.

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