Completion of task(s) and/or presentation of research. (did you finish your assigned tasks)
- Out of a scale of 1 to 4, I would rate myself 4 in this category. I believe I managed to finish everything I was assigned efficiently. I installed Windows 7 on three different netbooks, removed the irrelevant software, and installed all the appropriate and required software. I also created a Student account and put a password on the Administrator account in order to enforce restriction levels.
Cooperative participation in group (did you participate well with the group, share resources, etc.).
-Out of a scale of 1 to 4, I would rate myself 4 in this category. Although installing the netbooks was not performed in teams, I believe I worked well and efficiently in coordinance with the people around me. I shared ideas, helped others with their problems and also managed to give some input on what software to install.
Creative and critical thinking (did you offer ideas, make suggestions, improve on your group’s final product)
-Out of a scale of 1 to 4, I would rate myself 1 in this category. I believe I just worked on what I was supposed to do. I didn't really make suggestions to how to improve the final product. I did propose to install Malware Antibytes, however that did not really go through. I believe if I was given another chance, I would try to offer more ideas and give more suggestions.
Initiative (did you take responsibility for tasks, use your class time effectively)
-Out of a scale of 1 to 4, I would rate myself 4 in this category. I'd like to think that I did everything that I had to do. I managed to finish 3 netbooks in the time period we were given, hence was efficient. I also took responsibilty for my tasks as I made sure I reset the password of the netbook once I had forgot it.